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Adult Sms Page 7

Why do men pass gas more than women? Because women won"t shut up long enough to build up pressure.

Today its cool to have small cars and small computers.Soon it will be cool to have a small penis too.then you my friend will be THE MAN!!

A Train is bout2 crash. A frantic virgin strips off n says:
"" Can anyone make me feel like a woman b4 I die?""
So a man takes off his clothes n say,""Iron these!

Girl to Mom: "Is it true that Babies come out from the same place where Boys put their P---S?"

Mom: "Yes"

Girl: "Wow! My Baby will come out from my mouth"

23 useless parts on a mans body.20 nails u cant hammer.2 balls u cant throw &1 cock that cant "crow" dont laff ladies?? UR PUSSY CANT CATCH MICE

Mobilink regrets 2 inform u that the network has gone down on everyone except u. We regret 2 inform u that no one would go down on u not even a network.

Why do women have orgasms during sex??? It gives them something to moan about even when they are fuc***g enjoyin themselves.

Do you like maths?if so add a bed subtract ur clothes divide your legs and we can multiply!

Types of arse ...
(_!_)An arse (__!__)Fat arse (!)Tight arse (_?_)Dumb arse (_*_)Sore arse (_zzz_)Tired arse (_E=mc2_)Smart arse (_x_)Kiss my arse!!

HOW 2 SATISFY A WOMAN: caress excite cuddle fascinate spoil kiss rub tease pamper console worship respect & love. HOW 2 SATISFY A MAN: blow job.

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